Recently a new drama has come up with lots of interesting stories to confuse and pollute the minds of people about destruction of the world in DEC 2012.Many poeple have believed this crap just because of the unautnentic info being provided by NASA and other relevant departments of USA.The info which they are providing states that in 1983, IRAS (infra red astronomical satellite) has captured a very huge object at the edge of our solar system which is almost 5 to 8 times bigger than earth.It is not clearly visible due to the space dust and can only be watched through an infra red telescope.Let me make you clear on one aspect that this anthology has been drawn from the ancient Greeks known as MAYA who used to worship more than 118 different gods for their needs and they would sacrifice the lives of their own people as well as slaves for being pious in front of their gods or to make their gods happy.Some pics of their gods are depicted here.The luciferian(satanic) procedure which they used to follow for the sacrifice was to pierce a sharp knife in the body of a person and take out his/her heart while he/she is alive,put that heart into an eagle cage,burn it and then roll down the stairs and Mayas standing downstairs would consume that heart.After that they would cut the head and roll it downstairs the same way and after that body of the person which was also consumed by the Mayas(people standing downstairs).The purpose of narrating this long fact here is to tell you that Mayas used to believe that there are 12 members of our solar system i.e.1 sun ,1 moon and 10 other planets and they devised a calendar which is known as MAYAN CALENDAR.As per Mayan calendar the world ends in DEC 2012.The calendar is also depicted here for reference.One more thing here in worth mentioning that every researcher is translating that calender as per his own understanding.Different views are being received from varios researchers.This clearly states that even main party behind publicizing this false story is not clear about what is going to happen or what is the right thing.Now in accordance with recent researches,NASA has found another planet at the far edge of our solar system which is not following the regular orbit rather it is moving across the solar system.As per the ancient Greeks(Mayas) it is said that approx 4600 years ago some planet came near the earth which they would also call as destroyer and caused huge devastation to earth in the form of tsunamis,earthquakes,fire etc.The same is being believed by USA.If you watch carefully the videos available on the net regarding 2012,you will find that the word of gods instead of 1 GOD is being used by the agent of American department and he states that" gods are angry with the mankind and now it is the time to end the world so be ready for that".IN HOLY QURAAN ALLAH says to our beloved Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him(simple translation)" people ask you when the Dooms day is to come.tell them the knowledge of this only lies with ALMIGHTY".So how someone can claim to say all this crap about end of the earth.Besides they are trying to make people believe in Aliens.According to their statement the new planet which they call as Planet X also known as Nibiru has a creature similar to us with minor differences.Another story that they are like us or we are like them is being created to confuse the minds of people.They say that 4600 years ago the people from Planet X came on this earth and their genes were mixed into the genes of our people and this is how we were borne.Can you believe this crap.its all bullshit.please save urself and ur frnds from this dis-info,fabrication and falsehood which the enemies of ISLAM are trying to manipulate.This shows us their belief.They are accepting more than 1 GOD and following the so called Mayas who were followers of idols.This propaganda being manipulated by them is the best way to infiltrate the minds of every one and make them believe in what all they say.They want us to believe what they say,and want us to do what they want.please save urself and others from this propaganda.What is the secret behind all this story,what actually Americans are trying to do is still behind the curtain.As per the statement of an American secret official,whatever is being done and being publicized is much less than what actually is going on.Their think tanks are busy in manipulating and devising new techniques to make the world believe that world or our earth is going to end in DEC 2012.According to one common perception amongst many wise thinkers,this drama has been created to streamline the process for creation of new world order.This might be the biggest monopoly on earth.There are so many symptoms for Doom's day which are yet to appear.Then how someone can believe in all these hoaxes/rumours.Please read QURAAN and you will be clear about the facts.ALLAH HUM SAB KA HAMI-O-NASIR HO.AMEEN